lunes, marzo 07, 2005

Stop wasting your life and go get started

De slashdot...

You've wasted enough of your life in school. Go DO stuff. How many years did you spend not making shit income in school and how much money did you spend to be there? Imagine what you could have done with that time if you'd gotten a computer, some books, and gone about making shit happen?

Education is what employers settle for when they can't get their hands on someone with experience. Stop wasting your life and go get started.

Que piensas? Pon un comentario....

3 comentarios:

  1. creo que seria multimillonario... simplemente con haberme ahorrado esos más de 300,000 que costo mi esucela hubiera podido poner un negocio

  2. No estoy de acuerdo.... Neta si mi papi no me hubiera pagado la uni no tendria todos los conocimientos acerca de la vida social y los lugares in a los que hay que ir... no los conocidos que tengo... osea todo en la vida son SOCIAL RELATIONS!!!!!!! LUV YA

  3. Sólo hace más grande mi frustración universitaria.

